With facebook emerging as the number 1 social media site on the web I decided to create a professional facebook presence. The new page will soon feature some cool FBML functionality as well as exclusive photography that will not be featured on any of my other social networks.
To get a unique facebook domain name a page has to earn at least 25 “likes” in order to be eligable to claim their facebook domain name. Once you have reached the landmark 25 you must go to facebook.com/username/ – from there you select the page (if you have multiple pages created) and then type the desired username. You must ensure that you do not make a typo as you only get one chance to add the domain, after that there is no going back.
Please feel free to check my page out and “like” it if you find it of interest. I plan on adding a great deal of content to it over the coming weeks and months.
Below is a short but helpful video on how to grab your very own domain name for your fan page.