by Thomas Stirling | Apr 9, 2024 | astronomy, astrophotography, photography, space
Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching the sun be eclipsed 96% from my own back garden. I used a Nikon P1000 with a solar filter to capture these images of the event from start to end. I had planned to drive further North, but with it being a work day and a school...
by Thomas Stirling | Oct 13, 2023 | photography, urban exploration
Last week I took a trip over to Peaks Island to explore an abandoned WW2 military base. A quick 15-minute or so ferry ride from Portland Maine, this place is so picturesque and peaceful I would recommend it to anyone who just wants to get away from all and feel like...
by Thomas Stirling | Jan 1, 2021 | photography
I managed to take many photos in 2020 despite the coronavirus restrictions to our lives. Below is a short slideshow of photos that I think are my best over the past year.
by Thomas Stirling | Dec 14, 2020 | photography
Please check this link to see select prints for sale on fine art America.
by Thomas Stirling | Jul 16, 2020 | astronomy, astrophotography, photography, space
Tonight I headed out on a mission to see and photograph Comet Neowise. Neowise is a fairly recently discovered comet first spotted by the astronomers using the Neowise Telescope. Having seen the great comet of 1997 Hale Bopp as just a teenager, standing in my back...
by Thomas Stirling | Jun 3, 2020 | astronomy, astrophotography, photography
I recently picked up a Nikon P1000. After having spent almost 15 years taking photos exclusivley with Canon Cameras I felt it was time to cross over and see what all the fuss was about with a good point and shoot Nikon. For the price this camera is awesome. Its a good...